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Paperback Fiction

Piglet by Lottie Hazell | 9781804992517


Lottie Hazell


The Door by Magda Szabo | 9781784876401

The Door

Magda Szabo


Animal Life by Auður Ava Olafsdottir | 9781782277675

Animal Life

Auður Ava Olafsdottir


Zorba the Greek by Nikos Kazantzakis | 9780571323272

Zorba the Greek

Nikos Kazantzakis


A Spring of Love by Celia Dale | 9781914198946

A Spring of Love

Celia Dale


The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery | 9781913547875

The Elegance of the Hedgehog

Muriel Barbery


Ex-wife by Ursula Parrott | 9780571388059


Ursula Parrott


Purge by Sofi Oksanen | 9781848872134


Sofi Oksanen


Journeys and Flowers by Merce Rodoreda | 9781914198960

Journeys and Flowers

Merce Rodoreda


The Wonder Drug by Susanna Beard | 9781835268346

The Wonder Drug

Susanna Beard


The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz | 9780571239733

The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao

Junot Diaz


The Figurine by Victoria Hislop | 9781472263940

The Figurine

Victoria Hislop


Impossible Creatures by Katherine Rundell | 9781408897430

Impossible Creatures

Katherine Rundell


The Armour of Light by Ken Follett | 9781447278856

The Armour of Light

Ken Follett


Rhine Journey by Ann Schlee | 9781529923735

Rhine Journey

Ann Schlee


Crooked Plow by Itamar Vieira Junior | 9781839766404

Crooked Plow

Itamar Vieira Junior


Green Water, Green Sky by Mavis Gallant | 9781914198922

Green Water, Green Sky

Mavis Gallant


Okay Days by Jenny Mustard | 9781399713504

Okay Days

Jenny Mustard


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